
Posts Tagged ‘Accounting Specialist’

This month’s customer love winner was nominated by Allison Haimes, Customer Support Analyst, Sage Nonprofit Solutions.

2013_2_13_RobinWollery_GSWho? Robin Woolery

Where do they work? The Girl Scouts of NE Kansas and NW Missouri

Why the love? January is simply a crazy time of the year for us at Sage.   As tax deadlines approach we always see an increase in our customer support calls.  We talk to numerous customers throughout the day troubleshooting, brainstorming, and resolving any issues they are experiencing. After a while, the calls start to run together. However a recent call from Robin Woolery Accounting Support Specialist with The Girl Scouts, made me stop and smile.  Although the hold time was less than ideal, Robin was beyond understanding, and even empathized with our busy tax season and high volume of calls.  She greeted me with the same cheery voice as always, and it genuinely helped perk up my day.  It is apparent that she has had extraordinary customer experiences with Sage in support, gushing we are “always so helpful to her”.  And no matter how many times we’ve all told her, “That’s what we’re here for,” she even apologizes for having to call at all.

All of us enjoy working with Robin.  In fact, when I told this story to another analyst, her response was, “Oh I’ve spoken to her many times and she’s always nice”.  Robin is a delightful customer to work with and truly exemplifies the standards of the Girl Scouts to be friendly, considerate, respectful, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.  We appreciate having Robin as a Sage 100 Fund Accounting customer, and although we are not technically Girl Scouts here at Sage we are glad that Robin is a sister to us too.

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